Client - Schlumberger for Cairn India Limited
Location: Rajasthan, India
Type: Global Open Tender
Year of Supply: 2021
Scope: Complete Design, Engineering, Fabrication, Supply, and Commissioning of Enclosed Ground Flare System at Barmer
Result: CRA successfully executed this project
In this greenfield project, the client wanted a Pollution Control Equipment for a very lean gas (Hydrocarbon less than 10%). The location also required this project to have a low environmental impact and effective use of space. This meant low atmospheric pollution, zero radiation at the ground level, and ability to safely use the area surrounding the flare.
Capacity: 17,000 M3/Hr.
Medium: Producer Gas
CRA proposed the use of our custom design Enclosed Ground Flare for this application. Due to the lean input gas, this Enclosed Ground Flare can also be considered as a Thermal Oxidizer with minimal requirements of power, fuel, space, and maintenance.
The requirement of continuous combustion with lean gasses rich in Carbon Dioxide (CO2), high fluctuations in flow rate, extreme environmental conditions (in desert area) and rigorous safety standards necessitated extensive research and development to meet the challenging requirements of this project.
Our structured approach to our projects, inclusive of project management, reviewed and validated designs, and extensive collaboration with the client are outlined below.
CRA engineered the following:
Process Design
Sizing and Design of Combustion Chamber
Selection of Burners and Flame Front Generator Ignition Pilots
Sizing and Design of all Piping and Valves
Specification of Instrumentation and Control Requirements
Specification of Refractory Material and Anchoring System
Specification of Flame Arrestors, Water Seal, and Knockout Drum
Designed as per API 521 and API 537
Generation of all Drawings and Documentations
Combustion Chamber and Refractory Lining
Burners and Staging
Pilot Burner and Ignition System
Electronic Ignition Control Panel
Knockout Drum
Water Seal
Factory Acceptance Testing
Installation and Commissioning
Site Acceptance Testing
CRA’s involvement in this process led to a seamless experience for the client with all aspects of the project being extremely well integrated, and all challenging requirements being met. The client’s challenges with environmental impact of flaring were solved with the Totally Enclosed Ground Flare.
We take pride in providing such solutions that have a significant impact on the environment. Our design and engineering processes keep aspects such as meeting and exceeding environmental norms at the top of our agenda and we use this mission to drive all our decisions.
With CRA’s end-to-end solutions, the client can be sure that we will deliver.